Irish Surnames , where do you stop!
Special report on surnames in Ireland 1890 by Robert E. Matheson.1845-1926.
The choice of surnames used in this web site is based on the above report.
Complexity of Irish names ancient, single to double names, Gaelic to Anglo based, period at which to start eg. medieval, 1600s, 1700s, 1800s 1900s.
Matheson report of 1890 seems to be a best all round time to base a dialogue on Irish surnames as it encompasses a period that includes old Gaelic, with 19th cent variations caused by political situations, population movements , and economic changes.
A name used in 1890 would probably have been in use prior to and also for a fair period after that. S o a statistical analysis of the population of Ireland at that period giving the the Surnames, numbers, and locations in Ireland in which the names are principally found gives a reasonable basis for starting a research into where a surname originated in Ireland.
Finally a limit to the number of surnames which covers a reasonably broad spectrum seems to be around 100, with extras added due to particular local circumstances.
ALSO referred to Irish Names and Surnames by Rev Patrick Woulfe, 1923